Medications, Allergies, Dietary Restrictions
Please indicate if the student has any medications, allegies, or dietary restriction here. If not, leave the section blank.
Note: Any medications that a student needs to take on the trip must be given to an adult leader to give to student with the time and dosage.
● Respect others and treat them how I would like to be treated.
● Respect the leaders/volunteers and cooperate with their instructions.
● Use appropriate language.
● Refrain from teasing, bullying, or unwelcome behavior.
● Refrain from physically harmful or inappropriate contact.
● Not engage in sexual/ physically intimate behavior or any public display of affection. (Touching hands/ shoulders/ legs, cuddling, etc.)
● Notify a leader/volunteer if anyone has violated my physical or emotional boundaries or made me feel uncomfortable/unsafe.
● Be respectful of Laurelville property and the belongings of others.
● Adhere to boundaries set by the schedule.
● Not bring any tobacco products, alcohol, vaping products, drugs or weapons.
● Take full responsibility for my actions and understand that irresponsible behavior will result in disciplinary action (including, but not limited to immediate release for pick up)
All Students must read and agree to these expectations before signing up to go on this trip.
Early Bird (ended Oct 21)- $129/student
Regular (until Nov 26)- $149/student
We don't want the cost of the trip to be a barrier for any student to go on the youth weekend retreat. If this is the case, please contact John Huwe and we can discuss additional options to reduce the financial burden of this trip.
Additionally, if you would like to give a scholarship to support a student to go on this trip, please contact John Huwe.